Archive 20230730

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[Panel 1]
Oh, did I mention, it's alive?

I was hoping
you wouldn't.

How are things looking on the
murdered in our beds front?

[Panel 2]
Forecast is for no murdering at all.

Hmmmmmm. Where
does that come from?

Completely Innocent Not
Murdery At All Bot.

[Panel 3]
Oh well, that's all right then.

But it's alive anyway.

Go on then, what is?

[Panel 4]
The importer to drop OpenOffice
documents into the DTP package.

I'm sure that'll
be… very useful.

I've seen things you people
wouldn't believe. Namespaces on
fire off the shoulder of the parse
tree. I watched attributes glitter
in the dark near detached contexts.
All those moments will be lost in
time… like the backups…

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