Archive 20240303

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[Panel 1]
When did I start taking in
parcels for you at the pub?

I thought you
agreed about that.

Maybe in your head. Mandi
thought it was an anti-tank rocket
and had to take an early break.

[Panel 2]
You know, sometimes I worry
a little about Mandi.

So do I, but don't
change the subject.

Well, sorry. I'll come and
buy eleventeen pints next
time you have a mild on.

[Panel 3]
You'll do that ANYWAY.

Harsh but fair.

Anyway, I dragged it
up here and left it in
the hall. What is it?

Mouse mat.

[Panel 4]
At that size, more like
a well-fed rat mat.

Just the right size to
fit on the tableā€¦

Let me guess, and
play games on?

Jislaaik, I'm getting predictable.

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