Archive 20240324

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[Panel 1]

No, she's still at work.

Not to worry. Just don't
use the house music server
for a bit, all right?

What's up?

[Panel 2]
Just a bit of… reindexing.

What. Have. You. Done?

Upgraded the music server. It
needs a new database format. So
it's scanning everything again.

[Panel 3]
And you couldn't do this
at night because…?

They didn't tell me
it would do that!

Anyway, all the files are
fine, you just won't be able to
play anything for a few hours.

[Panel 4]
You haven't read the
service level agreement I
made you sign, have you?


If the music server isn't
available, you have to play
the music of my choice yourself.
I'll get the jaw harp.

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