Archive 20240728

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[Panel 1]
But WHY has Nils gone
to a ukulele festival?

Apparently he plays
the ukulele now.

I've never heard him practice.

[Panel 2]
Oh, do you need to do that?

And anyway, what
do you DO at a
ukulele festival?

"Why yes, I like to play the
ukulele too, what a coincidence."

[Panel 3]
I think they have concerts, and
ukulele-related things to buy.

More ukuleles?

How would I know? When I go to a
festival it's rocking out and
then sleeping in a muddy field.

[Panel 4]
Not, then, the best
hotel in Cheltenham?

Is that where
he is? All
right for some.

I trust they'll throw him out if
he actually tries to play there.

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