Archive 20060507

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[Panel 1]
# In Nils'office
Hi Elizabeth. Is this a good time?

[style octagon]
[textcolour DarkOrchid4]
Not a problem. I'm not in the
Reading Room or anything.

The books in the
stacks don't mind a
bit of quiet chat;
in fact I think they
quite enjoy it.

Has something come up?

Well, yes. Ginny's invited me to
a dinner-party on Thursday and
I wondered if you could come.

[Panel 2]
# In front of a bookshelf
Oh. Thursday is my
madrigal circle evening.

I didn't know you could sing!

I can't. I don't.
They don't let me.


They let me come along and listen.

Oh. I suppose you couldn't
miss it just this once?

[Panel 3]
# In front of a bookshelf
This is beginning to sound
as if there's more to it
than a simple invitation...

Well, Ginny really
wants to have
the numbers even...

Can't you try Bell?

She's already coming. But I don't
think she's going to be much help
with the bit that worries me.

[Panel 4]
# In Nils'office
You see, Ginny said "formal",
and I've been thinking.

That probably means a whole lot
of different cutlery, not just
the knife I usually eat with.


Yes, all right,
I'll help you out.

You can just watch what I
pick up for each course,
and follow my lead.

But what if there's a SALAD?

Ignore it. You always do.

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