Archive 20060430

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[Panel 1]
# At Nils' desk
Hey Bell. How's it going?

[style octagon]
[textcolour DarkOrchid4]
Oh, hi, Nils. I hope
this is important.

You woke me up.

I did wait until three
in the afternoon
before I rang.

Surely even
you must be out
of bed by now?

[Panel 2]
# In the Pub
I didn't say I was in BED.

I said you woke me up.

Silly me. Quiet session
this afternoon then?

Two men and a dog. I've pulled
four pints in an hour, and two
of those were for the dog.

So what can I do you for?

[Panel 3]
# At Nils' desk
D'you fancy coming out
for dinner on Thursday?

Why Nils, I didn't
know you cared!

I don't. It's formal, and
Ginny needs another woman
to make the numbers right.

That's all right then -- I
wouldn't want you to forget
the terms of my lease.

Ginny's the one who's done
the Cordon Bleu course,
isn't she? You're on.

[Panel 4]
# In the Pub
Hang about though -- FORMAL?
You mean I have to wear a DRESS?

I thought of that. Ginny
says, no Doc Martens
counts as formal as far
as she's concerned.

I was only going to the Potters
of Gloom meeting anyway, and they
can definitely do without me.

I'll look out my thigh-boots.


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