Archive 20060813

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[Panel 1]
We don't have any aluminium
saucepans, do we?

No, why? You worried about
Alzheimer's or something?

Gee thanks. I know I forget
to shut my window sometimes
but that's hardly a sign of
early-onset senility.

Oh, I don't know.
It'll be the front door next.

[Panel 2]
Shut up, Nils.
That was only the once.

The REASON I wanted to know was,
I think that mouse is back.

You were planning to cook little
mouse-meals in aluminium so it went
senile and forgot how to get in?

[Panel 3]
No, but mouse-droppings eat
straight through the bottoms of
aluminium saucepans.

So I thought I'd just check
we don't have any, in case.

It might have been easier to look...

THAT would be FAR too simple.

[Panel 4]
Anyway, how do you know they do?

My mother had an accidental
colander once.

And how do you know
the mouse is back?

There's a hollow banana
in the kitchen.

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