Archive 20070520

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[Panel 1]
This has to be a first.

What does?

This leaflet.

You mean it's not a
God-gifted African
spiritualist offering
to sort out our
sex-lives and finances
and take off the evil
eye, established 2003?

Nope. It's from the parish church.

[Panel 2]
I didn't know we had one of those.

Oh, of course we do! Everyone
does. It's one of the rules.

Well, yes, every day is God-day,
but not ordinary parish churches.
Not round here.

What do they want, Nils?

[Panel 3]



But that's ridiculous.
NOBODY asks for jumble
for churches any more!

Are you sure it isn't a
charity shop really?

It says it's for a church hall.

[Panel 4]
Do they mean IN the church hall?

No, I think they
want to build one.

Oh, I can just see it!
Walls made of wellies...

Would old socks be
good roofing-felt?

HIS would! They'd keep off
the rain AND the burglars.

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