Archive 20070527

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[Panel 1]
Why aren't the new
servers racked yet?

They're over twenty kilos. Each.


We haven't been sent on the
Lifting Heavy Objects course.

[Panel 2]
That's just a box-ticking day
off work for the janitors.

The secretaries got it.
And the accountancy team.

Heavy parcels. Bags full of money
or something. I don't know!

[Panel 3]
Anyway, WE aren't
allowed to shift them.

Can't you get the
maintenance guys to do it?

Oh, right, you weren't here last
time they tried that.

Er... let's just say that THEY haven't
been on the "not plugging the ethernet
socket into the three-phase" course.

[Panel 4]
Hey, Nils, would you pass
me that cup of coffee?

I'm sorry, Jaakko, I can't do that. It
might be a cup of uranium. Now, if only
I had done the course on recognising and
handling heavy objects...

Is it warm?

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