Archive 20071007

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[Panel 1]
It must be bad. Even I can
see you're not feeling happy.

Friend of mine is going
off to be a taxi driver.


In Bratislava.

But you can stay in touch, right?

[Panel 2]
Oh, sure. The problem is, he
runs - ran - my local bike shop.

Surely there are others?

Not in the same borough. He
was the last one. Wonderful
cycling city, indeed.

You can ride a bit further
to pick up bits and pieces...

[Panel 3]
But when one of the bicycles
is ill, I can no longer
wheel it round for help.

Have you thought of quarantine?


Sorry. But it does sound
fairly hapless of you.

I can do some things myself, of
course. I mean, obviously I've got
copies of Barnett and Sutherland.

[Panel 4]

And Brandt.
And Paterek,
and Schraner....


... and I suppose I could rig up
one of the trailers, if I had to...

Have you ever thought
of taking a cab?

To a BIKE SHOP? They'd
run me out of town!

Yeah, but they'd mend the bike
so they could run you out ON it.

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