Archive 20051106

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[Panel 1]
[style thinks]
Cowrie shells?

...and then they all log in at
once, and the server falls over.

But we have to let them log in
quickly or they won't buy our
"hot" shares and make us money.

[Panel 2]
[style thinks]
Cowrie shells.

We need to spot the best suckers,
I mean customers, and give
them priority access.

The admins will never let
us have the raw server logs.

[Panel 3]
[style thinks]
Cowrie shells...

So we need some way to spot the
heavy users without breaking our
privacy constraints...

Maybe we could get away with some
sort of total page load metric?

[Panel 4]
[style rrect]
Cowrie shells!


Oh, hang on, you mean have a
game where they're trading in a
virtual currency?

Yeah, that'll work! No privacy
worries because there's no
money changing hands, and the
addicts will stay on there all
night waiting for the real
markets to open again.

Nils, you're a genius!

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