Archive 20220213

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[Panel 1]
Where is Nils?

Soothing the computers after
that thunderstorm. Why?

Apparently I
do not exist!

And you turn to NILS for help
in an existential crisis?

[Panel 2]
No, I turn to Nils for the vodka he is
keeping in the air conditioning unit.

Who thinks you
don't exist, anyway?

It seems that Finland is a
conspiracy by the Russians and
Japanese. Something to do with
fishing rights. And all the
governments of the world are
helping to cover it up.

[Panel 3]

In eastern Sweden.

The town you
grew up in?

West Russia.



[Panel 4]
Hang on, you have family there.
Would they really all go along
with something like this?

Well, if they thought
it was funny…

I think I'll join you in
Nils's vodka cupboard.

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