[Panel 1]
Did you leave that dumb-bell
on Derek's desk?
Oh come on, would I spend
money just to annoy Derek?
Yes. But you probably didn't.
So where would I get a
free dumb-bell these days?
Freecycle, obviously.
[Panel 2]
But I think the superglue may
have been pushing your luck.
And I can't see why you spoilt
a dumb-bell just for him.
He showed me his new toy
yesterday after lunch.
Ah. What was it?
A log.
[Panel 3]
This conversation
gets weirder! A LOG?
Squared off. About seven inches by
seven by a couple of feet, with
electric measuring things at one end.
What do you do with it,
throw it from hand to hand?
You step on with one foot and step
off again. Then you change feet.
But everyone has stairs
somewhere, or a kerb...
[Panel 4]
Stairs don't cost
ninety-eight quid.
I understand...
He drives to the gym, you know.
That's awful! It's only
five minutes' walk away.
That would be why they
sold him the log.
And why he couldn't shift
the dumb-bell. Right.
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