[Panel 1]
You're telling me you
chose that scaredy-cat?
She sat on my HEAD, Ginny.
She did WHAT?
I never met a cat so brave.
Almost as good as a pig.
Oh right, a pig would
sit on your head.
My girlfriend doesn't
allow me a pig.
[Panel 2]
Maybe you two could
collect your new
owners some time soon?
Not a problem.
We still have the black tom
left, and that IS a problem.
I'm not sure I know another
sucker, but I'll think about it.
That's not quite what I meant.
[Panel 3]
They're starting to get around
and Bell might notice them?
Not exactly...
Go on?
Well, I saw a catnip toy in
Bell's room when I was looking
for a coffee cup for Jaakko.
[Panel 4]
That's crazy! Bell hates cats!
You want to argue about
it, I'll hold your coat.
No thanks. I am as brave as my kitten,
but I don't pick a fight with Bell...
Does your girl know
about your kitten?
We are not yet THAT brave.
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