Archive 20051002

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[Panel 1]
[Nils] she brought her stuff away
when her ex-landlord was at
work. ONE suitcase of clothes,
NINETEEN boxes of books...

I've known people like that.
It's an addiction. Like
collecting old computers.

You mean like Jaakko
and his computer zoo?

[Panel 2]
Yeah, two dozen boxen and
about the same total CPU power
I had on my old laptop.

I heard he had a disaster one
time. His mobile rang and he
knocked over his stack of
computers going to answer it...

[Panel 3]
That's right. They all landed
against the door and jammed it shut,
with him on the wrong side...

...and the phone was out
in the hall and he couldn't
get to it to get help.

He had to wait until his GF got
home and looked at her email
before anyone knew to rescue him.

[Panel 4]
Nasty spot to be in.
Very traumatic.

I think they said he'd
recover, given time...

I don't know. I heard he got so
hungry he ate the collectible
Pocky G Turbo Extra from his
Onegai Twins DVD set.

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