Archive 20080831

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[Panel 1]
Not everyone will want a mediaeval
banquet with whole spit-roast
animals. Some of them just don't
have that many friends.

Nice for Nils if we
bring the leftovers home.

But we still have to pay for them.

We could count them as
part of the housekeeping?

[Panel 2]
So what else does one cook?

I can do beef stew with
dumplings. That's easy.

But people won't pay
twenty pounds a head for
beef stew with dumplings.

I would pay more for beef stew with
dumplings than I would for three
cabbage leaves arranged round a piece
of tofu in an artistic pattern.

[Panel 3]
We could call it casserole
de boeuf avec les... um... I don't
know the French for dumplings,
but the English used to have
something very like them.

And what did they call them?


Somehow I don't see that
as a selling-point....

[Panel 4]
In that case we call it "Ragout
de Boeuf à la Marie Antoinette"

Oh, please, you think SHE
ever ate dumplings?

No, it's because when
the dumpling goes splosh
into the plate...

That's not a selling-point
either, you know.

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