Archive 20080817

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[Panel 1]
You've been leaving recipe
books lying around open again.

Oh. Have I?

I'm not stupid, you know.
I can SEE what you're up to.

I just thought it was a bit like
money for old rope, really.

Yeah sure, except that

[Panel 2]
You seemed to me to be doing it ok.

That's not the
point! Cooking means
nothing but trouble.

And notes printed in purple.

I suppose that's true. And I hate
to admit it, but it was rather
fun. That's why it's dangerous.

One thing leads to
another, you mean?

[Panel 3]
Well, I don't suppose
I'm likely to be tempted
in an ordinary kitchen.

All mod cons at a
conference centre.

I liked the electric spit over
the open fire. You don't get
those in a flat in Limehouse.

It must be great to be
able to afford a place like
that for one's wedding.

They didn't hire it.

They got it free?!

[Panel 4]
It's one of the family houses.

God's teeth! You mean it
belongs to Ginny's cousins?

They turned it into a
conference centre so they
can afford to live in it.

Next time I shall ask for
twice as many of those
purple bits of paper...

[style thinks]
Result! She's talking
about "next time"...

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