[Panel 1]
Ah, Ginny, I've been
meaning to have a word...
I'm dealing with that as soon
as they get back to us with
an actual specification.
Nothing to do with Accounts.
So what's on your
tiny mind today then?
A message from Elizabeth.
She says Bell said
something about "next time".
[Panel 2]
So she's planning more cooking!
Yah, and that's what I
wanted to talk about.
Why do YOU care?
Use your brain, woman!
When she cooks, she has
to try out recipes, right?
Er, right...
And who gets to eat the results?
[Panel 3]
I see your point.
So when's your next
family wedding?
I don't think any of them are
thinking of one this year.
Well, don't we know anyo....
Jaakko! Just the man we wanted!
[Panel 4]
It is always good to be appreciated...
It's about this wedding thing.
What has she been saying? I
never asked her! It's a lie!
Nonono, not you, but do you know
anyone who's getting married?
For THAT you owe me THREE
pints, brother or no brother.
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