[Panel 1]
Well, there is one thing
we could look forward
to after Christmas.
That sweater Nils got given. The
only place that distributes them
in this country is Harrods.
[Panel 2]
So we can go along and listen to
him swapping it with menaces.
Why doesn't he
just keep it?
Nils? When did you ever
see him wear a jumper?
Besides, it's got
mauve and pink in it.
[Panel 3]
So who knew him so badly they
gave him something like that?
Some unexpected aunt. He reckons
she's trying to get invited to
come and stay for the Olympics.
Waste of money anyway. I
could run up something
like that in a few days.
[Panel 4]
I didn't know you knitted, Bell?
And you still don't. Get the idea?
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