Archive 20090614

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[Panel 1]
You seemed a bit
distracted at work today.

I was coming back into town along
the A40 on Sunday and I saw
an old deck-gun in a scrap yard.

So where have you put it?

I didn't buy it - they were closed.

[Panel 2]
Anyway I was on my bicycle.

Oh come on, you have that trailer...

Not even on MY trailer.

[Panel 3]
And in any case it is the
wrong nationality. It would
fight with Little Katja.

We could get it for me.

And what exactly do you want it for?

Upgrade to the garbage-ballista.
The dustcarts are getting faster
and more agile. Must be spring.

[Panel 4]
And it would fit into
the flat where exactly?

Over the main stairs. We could
use the old fire escape, it ought
to be strong enough. More or less.

I think you should give it to Steve
for the roof here. He could use it
against the anti-smoking police.

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