Archive 20091122

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[Panel 1]
The mice are back. They've
abandoned the dishwasher and
colonised the attic over my room.

Either that or we've had
very small noisy burglars.

The woman at the cafe said
she'd heard something about
dormice in the area.

[Panel 2]
In that case shouldn't they
dorm a bit more, rather than
clomping about all the time?

Surely they can't be. Glis
glis mostly live west of London,
around Tring and Beaconsfield
and places like that.

I didn't hear any mice,
but I did hear singing
coming from your room...

[Panel 3]
I thought a lullaby might
help send them to sleep. But
I don't speak enough Mouse
to make them understand.

I'm sure the council
does evening-classes.
They do in every
other language.

Meanwhile, do we have any honey?

Jaakko said he had some left over
from his last batch of mead. Why?

[Panel 4]
Glis Mellitus. A classical recipe
for Ginny's next catering gig.

Oh, of course. And you can
use the fur to make hats
and gloves, and the fat's
good for arthritis...


How do you...?

Jaakko got chatting to some of
the locals last time he was in
Slovenia, and he told us ALL
about hunting edible dormice.

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