Archive 20091129

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[Panel 1]


More of this rotten rain.

Good for trade.

You think this is bad, you
should see it back home.

[Panel 2]
What, don't tell me your
lot have been flooded out?

No, they're not that close to
the coast. They just haven't
seen the sun for rather too long.

Well, this IS England.

[Panel 3]
The river overflowed
near my parents' place.

Eek! What did they do?

Ma was working on a
Roman-style watermill, but
then Pa just diverted the
flow down the track the
tourists try to drive up.

Problem solved?

Except the shopping-van from the
supermarket couldn't deliver their order.

[Panel 4]
So how did they get their food?

Well, Pa was going
to build a coracle...

Sounds like fun.

Funny, anyhow.

But Ma organised a local
with a horse instead.

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