Archive 20091101

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[Panel 1]
Oh! I didn't hear
you come in.

It's ok, I know you
don't do computers.

I'm not. I just...

And I wouldn't dream
of telling Nils I
caught you at it.

Yes, well...

Jaakko was going on about
bicycles and freecycle again
last night in the Rose.

[Panel 2]
I do that too, just look at
freecycle and marvel sometimes.

I'm glad it's not just me!

Some of the things people
offer are very strange.

You're telling me!
Look at this one:

[textcolour blue]
[style octagon]
[font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf]
Offer: Small box of
cultery, needs to go asap.

[Panel 3]

Black candles, rusty knives,
blood-bowls, and a leather-bound
copy of the Pocket Necronomicon?

Yes ... it's just leather. Really.

I can quite see why she
wants it out of the house!

If she gives it away,
the owner will put her
under a Terrible Curse.

[Panel 4]
He probably would if
it weren't a typo.

Oh, hush. Don't you go
spoiling my illusions.

How about this then?

Offer: baby

I see what you mean. The
cultery's owner would go
for that one like a shot...

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