[Panel 1]
Nils, I think perhaps
I want to move out.
Oh? Why? I said I
was sorry about
the trebuchet...
No, nothing like that. It's just...
Well, you know, I try to
be open-minded, but...
[Panel 2]
What on earth are
you talking about?
You were out shopping this
morning, weren't you?
Yes, I went to Tesbury's.
I found the receipt in the hall.
[Panel 3]
A pair of rubber gloves and
four blocks of economy lard.
I don't WANT to know what
you need them for. I don't
even want to THINK about it.
But... I've still got the receipt
from that trip. I was just about
to put it into the house accounts.
I'm sorry, but I think I want to see it.
[Panel 4]
The one I had... is from
two minutes before this one.
Must have been the previous
customer leaving it behind.
Phew. I really didn't fancy
moving all my clothes out
in the middle of winter.
And she seemed like
such a sweet old lady...
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