[Panel 1]
Bell, what are you doing?
Is there something wrong
with the projector?
The mice are back.
What, in February? Can't be.
Tell THEM that.
[Panel 2]
That doesn't explain why you
were on the sofa, of course.
I was trying to work out
where they'd got in.
Quantum tunnelling. Like
woodlice, only less so.
Or it could be the hole you
drilled for the mains supply.
[Panel 3]
Yes, but how did they
get INTO the ceiling?
And why didn't they
go to the cafe
downstairs instead?
Oh, that's easy. It's all veggie
muck, not enough real food to
keep mouse and squeak together.
[Panel 4]
ANYway, I'll borrow some
humane traps from Jaakko.
You lawbreaking rebel
you. Illegal not to
kill a mouse you've
caught, you know.
I'll worry about the Mouse
Police when they start
breaking down the door.
Or gnawing through it...
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