Archive 20110227

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[Panel 1]
Nope, sorry, too much, even for me.


This Freecycle post:

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OFFERED: Peugeot 206
front passenger seat,
and washing machine.

[Panel 2]
Um. I take your point.

Maybe... he tried to get the
washing machine into the car,
the suspension collapsed, and
that's all that was left?

[Panel 3]
Or... he's taking up the life of a
hermit, so he's giving away the
seat so that he won't be able to
give people lifts, and he won't
need to wash his clothes any more?

Or... the washing machine died
after he tried to launder the seat,
so he's getting rid of all the
evidence before his wife finds out?

[Panel 4]
Or... he's installed a tumble dryer
in place of the passenger seat, and
the washing machine came with it?

Or he's... hang on, WHY would
you install a tumble dryer in
place of the passenger seat?

Travelling salesman, wants
his clothes nice and dry
when he gets to a meeting.

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