Archive 20110130

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[Panel 1]
I have a bone to pick
with you, Ginny.

What? If it's
about the backups...

No, it is about the Archers.

Hey, don't blame ME!

I don't produce it, you know.

[Panel 2]
No, but it is your
fault that I listen.

I did warn you.

Just say "no", I said.

I can't help it if you
never take advice.

I thought I could give it up again.

That's what you said
about caffeine...

[Panel 3]
Shut up Nils.

So you can.

My uncle did.

And is he happy about that?

I don't know. He's dead.

This is a risk perhaps
I should not take.

[Panel 4]
That's RIDICULOUS! Jaakko,
it's only a soap opera...

You mean... it isn't REAL?

No. A story. Fiction.

So I shan't need to
hold a wake for Nigel?

Er, no. But that needn't
stop you buying me a beer...

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