Archive 20121209

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[Panel 1]
That's funny. You didn't see
Bell in the flat, did you?

No. Isn't she...?

to be here.

Ach, she's probably out with
that waste of space of hers.

No, can't be. Look,
that's him by the bar.

Donner it. Don't look:
he might not spot us.

[Panel 2]
Too late.

Hello, you two. Do you
know where Bell is?

No, sorry, no idea. She's
not at the flat. Why?

Oh, nothing. It's just she's
not answering her phone.

She often forgets to charge it.

[Panel 3]
That would be it, then.

Fancy a pint?

Just got them
in, thanks.

Oh well. Some other time. I just
won a few quid on the lottery and
thought I'd spread it a bit.


[Panel 4]
Never thought I'd see the day!

What was all THAT about?

I don't know, but... I think
Bell might be going off him.

Oh good. Not treating a barmaid
right is a Capital Offence.

If Bell wants him drowned
in ullage, I'm sure she'll
arrange it herself.

Hope not. I want to help pour.

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