Archive 20130224

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[Panel 1]
Right. That's all
the paperwork
signed and sent off.

Gosh. I own a house.

Half a house. I'd paid
for some of it already.

It's still half a house more
than I've ever owned before.

[Panel 2]
And of course if I get run
over by a bus it's all yours.

I wonder if that mate of
Steve's is still driving buses?

Too easy to trace. Much better
if you drop some dodgy yeast
into my next batch of beer.

But that would probably kill Jaakko
too, and he's occasionally useful.

[Panel 3]
Not to mention his girlfriend
would have to swear blood
feud on your entire family.

You're right, it's too much
trouble. I'll just electrocute
you in the shower instead.

Well, I'm glad we
got that sorted out.

It's the sort of thing one ought
to bear in mind when entering a
business relationship, I always feel.

[Panel 4]
Anyway, you don't
have to worry
about the
mortgage any more.

True. So with
any luck things
should calm
down a bit now.

Death to the lickspittle
running-dog lackeys of the
capitalist oppressor!

Also, the mice are back. What are
you going to do about them, you
landlords, you?

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