# in the pub
[Panel 1]
Pint of... oooh, is that
Doom Bar? Pint of that.
No, it's the ripoff
brew, Doom Bat.
Sounds like something that
would appeal to you.
No, that's Gloom Bat. Which is
made with Ribena. Don't ask.
[Panel 2]
Don't worry, I won't.
What are you doing here? I
thought you were building your
awesome new storage machine.
Done it. Stuff's copying across.
[Panel 3]
What, already?
I have a LITTLE experience at this...
And did you use the
scary new software?
Some of it. Call it plan C.
[Panel 4]
How many plans ARE there?
If I fell off the end of H I was
going to have to think some more.
What was H?
Hit it with the panga
until it surrenders.
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