Archive 20130811

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[Panel 1]
Jaakko, you never told us why
you're working over here.

I am on a secret mission for
the Finnish government.


Oh, yes.
Ha. Ha.

[Panel 2]
No, seriously, I mean
there are plenty of tech
employers in Finland.

The problem is the food.

What's wrong with it?

You see, Finland does not
really have a national cooking
style. There are a few dishes, but
mostly we borrow from the Swedes.

[Panel 3]
Which means pickled
herring, cream sauce,
and dill on everything.
And I do not like dill.

What about the

Grandfather would
not allow anything
Russian in the house!

[Panel 4]
Even vodka?

Especially vodka. If
he found any he would
dispose of it. Then he
would sing. Then he
would fall over.

That doesn't
sound so

Then grandmother
would be Sorry about
it. At us. For days.


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