[Panel 1]
Bell, could the pub use a
box of 43 wine glasses?
Shouldn't think so, Steve
gets 'em in bulk. Why?
[Panel 2]
No, I mean why 43?
Well, they broke some. I think they
said there were 48 originally.
But look, they're giving them away,
so they don't need them any more.
[Panel 3]
We have to assume that.
Maybe it was a Greek
wedding but the guests
were mostly old and tired?
Or the groom's mother got annoyed,
but they managed to restrain her?
[Panel 4]
Still doesn't explain why they're
getting rid of them. If you have
a bunch of wine glasses you don't
want, why give them away rather
than have fun smashing them?
Hmmm... that
WOULD be fun.
Maybe we should get them
for the next braai.
Only if you clear up all the bits
out of the braaistand afterwards.
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