Archive 20140330

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[Panel 1]
So in the end the hospital
said they had no idea what it
was, it probably wasn't
dangerous, but if it happened
again they'd love to watch.

Well there's helpful of them.

Apparently if I start getting
sweaty and bad-tempered I
should stop when I'm doing and
sit down. So if you could let
me know if you notice...

[Panel 2]
If I tell you you're being
bad-tempered when you are, you're
going to assume I'm Getting at you.

Good point.

Maybe you could tell me I'm
NOT being bad-tempered?

[Panel 3]
Yeah, right, then you'll
get confused and assume
I'm Getting at you.

Hmph. You're Getting
at me, aren't you?


Oh, In that case I'm probably
not going to faint just now.

[Panel 4]
Are we going to have to
do this every time I think
you look a bit bleak?

Why, Nils, anyone might
mistakenly think you cared!

Don't be silly, I can't.
It's in the contract.

I just don't want to trip over you
every time I go for some tea.

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