Archive 20150208

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[Panel 1]
Evening, Bell. Ooh, pint of that
Whitstable Bay Organic Ale?


Or, er, not,
if you prefer.

Not you. One of
Ginny's feast people.

[Panel 2]
"Is this wine vegan" and
"What about the isinglass"...

Well, not many brewers
use isinglass any
more, too expensive...

She was just looking for
something to complain about.

[Panel 3]
So I pointed out that
the wine might not have
any fish guts in it,
but it was still made
by exploiting animals.


Yeast moves about and reacts to
stimuli, that's good enough for me.

[Panel 4]
And for her after I'd talked
for a bit. So she had to
finish the evening sober.

But aren't you worried
about the Vegan Police?

Not really. They haven't got the
energy to chase me very far.

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