[Panel 1]
So that's £750 from
purple to teal, and
£250 from fawn to taupe.
Um, Nils?
With you in a minute.
Standing order for the 18th.
[Panel 2]
Right, that's sorted.
What's "teal" and why
does it need £750?
High-interest bank account.
You need to pay in so much each
month to get the good rate.
[Panel 3]
And then you take it
out again the next day?
They only pay on the
first few grand anyway.
You've been talking to
Alan again haven't you?
[Panel 4]
He was on at me too, about
ISAs and things. How can
he make all this boring
stuff seem so interesting?
It's what he's good at.
Personally I think he just likes
the sound of money sloshing around.
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