Archive 20150308

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[Panel 1]
So how are you getting
on with that... THING?

Using it every day
or two. Beats riding
in the cold.

Except you end
up not having
gone anywhere.

Yes, that's right. I end up not
being twenty miles from home with
a flat tyre in the driving rain.

[Panel 2]
That only happened once.

OK, three times.

Plus the time it was
driving hail instead.

Yes, but I still fixed it
and got home each time.

[Panel 3]
But you are the God of Bicycles.
We mere mortals don't fancy that
when we're just getting started.

(Or any time, really.)

At least I can GET
twenty miles from home.

I'm sure Nils can too, if he's
keeping up with the exercise thing.

[Panel 4]
In fact, Ian and I are having a
pootle into Essex and a pub lunch on
Saturday, if you'd care to join us?

Hm, Saturday, I
really need to
catch up on the
company paperwork.

I will do it for you!


[style thinks]
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