Archive 20150322

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[Panel 1]
So how was your bike
excursion with Ginny?

She didn't tell me
they had an AIRFIELD!


I don't mean THEY do, I mean
the pub was just next to one.

[Panel 2]
Mostly Pipers and Cessnas but one
or two interesting homebuilts.

And of course those
were the blokes who
were drinking real
beer in the pub rather
than plastic laager.

They weren't planning to
fly anywhere, then?


[Panel 3]
Which, I admit, made the last bit
of the bike ride more exciting
than it strictly needed to be.

And then there
was the Hill on
the way there.

Well, most of East London
is fairly low-lying...

That doesn't mean it has
to be a vicious steep
slope to get out of it!

[Panel 4]
And when you've done it, where
are you? A sort of dreary,
nameless little urban knot
between Woodford and Chigwell.

I'm sure SOMEBODY likes it.

Yeah. Me, when it was time to
ride out of it again to go home.

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