Archive 20151101

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[Panel 1]
Hey, Elizabeth, was that your
madrigal group in here last night?

More or less.

It's just you sounded a bit
more, well, Gregorian.

That was probably
medlar brandy.

[Panel 2]
And when I got up the room
smelled of incense and goat.

The stars were right.

Oh no. You don't mean...?

[Panel 3]
IƤ! Shub-Niggurath!

Summoning Elder Gods
is prohibited by the
tenancy agreement.

That's not a usual
sort of clause, is it?

Nils wrote it.

[Panel 4]
Well, that makes sense.

But how ELSE are we going to
avoid Nils' robot apocalypse?

Setting yourselves up to be
eaten by non-Euclidean monsters
from beyond time and space
seems, um, excessive.

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