[Panel 1]
...so you don't find
the submarine again,
and it gets away.
Score one for Argentina.
All right, where
are you fighting
World War 3 THIS time?
[Panel 2]
We are not fighting World War 3!
Not even a little bit!
So which... hang on, I
know that coastline.
You're fighting
the Falklands
all over again!
[Panel 3]
Well, South Georgia for this game.
Don't we already know
how it came out?
It might have come
out differently.
So we have a Saffer and a
Finn playing the British
and Argentinians? That makes
no sense. You should at
least have a British player.
[Panel 4]
Are you volunteering?
Don't be silly. I'll
enlist Elizabeth.
Maybe we should just surrender NOW.
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