[Panel 1]
So apparently they're buying this
place. And they want to keep me on.
Be nice not to see it
turned into flats.
Did you have a point?
[Panel 2]
I can't run a pub! I can barely
run my music collection!
'Ere, Bell. You
know how you've
been helping with
the admin lately?
Yes, and how am I going to keep
doing all that AND your share too?
[Panel 3]
For the last year my share has been
writing my memoirs and signing my
name at the bottom of your paperwork.
"Other duties as required."
At this rate I WON'T take
over, just to show you.
[Panel 4]
What was that noise?
Your mate Nils crying
out in terror, and being
suddenly silenced.
That'll be Jaakko - he's
probably trying to be sneaky.
Good point, they'd
never forgive me. Blast
you, always ruddy right...
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