[Panel 1]
Well, you've certainly
worked at enough places...
I get fed up, I move
on. You know 'ow it is.
I even tried for a job in a village
pub near Birmingham a while ago.
Any cellar work?
Just the kegs. Real Ale
I leave to the experts.
[Panel 2]
AND cooking? Not much
call for that here.
I've worked the festival caffs.
Veggie, vegan, wholefoods...
Um, well...
...and if I never 'ave to look
another kale or wheatgrass
in the face it'll be too soon.
[Panel 3]
Anyway, anything you wanted to ask?
Get much trouble 'ere?
Not much. Friday nights
can be a bit exciting. You
can avoid that shift if...
Nah, I can look after
meself. Bring it on!
[Panel 4]
All right, let's give it a try.
Come back on Wednesday and I'll
have everything sorted by then.
Sounds a lot better than the
dead-alive 'ole in the middle
of nowhere, that's for sure.
I think the White Rose
can be a BIT more
interesting than that...
It's no 'Ouse of Metal or
Godzilla's, but it'll do.
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