[Panel 1]
So now they have to decide
whether to repair the roof, as
well as whether they're going to
sell or refurbish the building.
What do you do
if they sell it?
We'll be all right -
we're contractors.
The permies will have to relocate
to Redditch or somewhere...
[Panel 2]
Who's got the Red Itch?
...and the idea is
they'll resign and
the bosses can bring
in some cheaper locals.
Who can't do the job.
But that doesn't matter, right?
They'll be Saving Money!
[Panel 3]
Well, it did't take you
long to become a bloated
running-dog lackey of
Do you want your
pint or not?
Have you ever watched a
running dog? They can be
very graceful, you know.
Do excuse my friend, he's
still reeling from the
idea of actually having to
pay for business premises.
[Panel 4]
While the office is being
It's only fair. It was
us or the servers, and
the servers care more
if they get rained on.
Speak for yourself.
The servers are more prone
to electrocute people
if they get rained on.
Speak for yourself.
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