[Panel 1]
It... is...
No it isn't.
Oh. Well, all right,
technically it
isn't alive.
Which is probably a good thing
for all concerned. All right,
what have you done now?
[Panel 2]
Jaakko got hungry on the road.
And Jaakko only likes
sandwiches from Tesbury's.
[Panel 3]
So we told the navi to look
for Tesbury's, but it kept
telling us about ones a
long way off the motorway.
You take that
truck on the
It freaks out the normal people.
[Panel 4]
So I've just written a program to
find all the Tesbury's and all the
motorway junctions, and match up
the closest ones.
Well. That is, er.
Actually I'm not sure you can even
RECOGNISE a normal person from
where you're standing.
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