Archive 20181125

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# in the pub
[Panel 1]
So Jaz says the fridge's computer
is dead and he can't get a new one.

Why does the fridge
NEED a computer?

You might as well ask why
a cosmic entity from beyond
space and time NEEDS tentacles.

[Panel 2]
Can't you whip up something
with a Raspberry Pi?

Erk . Relays and mains
switching and custom
hardware protocols.
Not to mention if I
get it wrong we all
die of salmonella.

Wimp. So that means a new fridge.

[Panel 3]
Ooh. We could get one with
an ice dispenser. And a bit
taller so that it wouldn't have
all that wasted space on top.

I don't think they
make them taller
than that one.

Maybe we could put a
little one underneath?

[Panel 4]
You hang on to your fantasies.
I'm going to look at World
O' Chilly Stuff and see what
they can deliver SOON.

Yes, I'm sorry we're
taking up space in
your fridges here...

It's not that . I just don't
want Nils to get into the
habit of wandering behind the
bar whenever he feels peckish.

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