Archive 20191117

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[Panel 1]

What, again?


I suppose you could call
it depression and get some
sort of treatment for it…

[Panel 2]
But it feels like an entirely
logical reaction to the mess that
things have been pushed into.

I could call on the Great
Old Ones to rise, but it
seems too much like hard work.

Anyway, I ought to be
cleaning the cellar.

[Panel 3]
But who knows, maybe next
week they'll change all the
rules and I'll only be able to
sell plastic lager because
it's What The People Want.

Not that they do, or
they'd be drinking in
the hellhole up the road.

I certainly don't want their
customers in here, even if
it would help pay the bills.

[Panel 4]
I suppose it's all right
for them as like it, I just
don't want to go there.

Or walk past it at
chucking-out time.

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