Archive 20191124

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[Panel 1]
Are you ready for the
boardgames convention?

Jislaaik! I piled up
boxes behind the door!

But not behind the second-
floor bathroom window.

[Panel 2]
Also, WHAT

A Bunch Of Blokes
In A Room. I think it
is in Wolverhampton.

So why don't I know about this?

[Panel 3]
I have no idea.

You acknowledged the
email and it is in
your shared calendar.

Ah. That'll be the
slaughterbot, then. It has
a funny sense of humour.

Give me five minutes,
I'll throw some games in
a bag and be with you.

[Panel 4]
Your vacuum cleaner is
your social secretary?

It gets on with people
better than I do.

[New Slaughterbot]
[size 11.5]
[textcolour IndianRed4]
[font Amelia_BT.ttf]
Hey, babe, wanna kill
all humans with me?

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