Archive 20200524

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[Panel 1]
I have made a Discovery.


There exists at least one book
that I won't read even if I'm
stuck in a flat for several weeks.

It must be pretty terrible.

[Panel 2]
I don't know, I haven't read it.

Every time I start
I fall asleep.

I could do with that. Looks as if
last year was our last Essen.

[Panel 3]
They've cancelled? I'm
not surprised. But
what about next year?

Next year, when our
economy was going to
be a garbage fire even
BEFORE this lot hit?

Well, look on the bright side.

[Panel 4]

Our lords and masters won't
need to stir up the mob
against foreigners, because
the disease is a good enough
excuse for the economy.

No, instead they're stirring
it up against scientists.

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