Archive 20200531

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[Panel 1]
Heard anything from
Jaakko recently?

Nothing special. He's
still logging in to work.

Wasn't he doing beer deliveries
for you, before we drank it all?

[Panel 2]
Well, yes. But he seems
to have kept doing them.


I found this series of reports
about a "Robin Hood of Beer",
gradually heading north…

[Panel 3]
Apparently he turns up, delivers
beer and fermented herring, takes
back the fermented herring because
it's "too good for you", and
vanishes again.


On a bicycle.


[Panel 4]
But where's he getting
the beer from?

Not entirely sure
I want to know.

But he's getting close to
Scotland, and they actually
do isolation properly there.

Then he will probably have to
wash everything in vodka first.

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