Archive 20201122

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[Panel 1]
grr want PUB.

There there.

BITE you.

Obscure sausage?

[Panel 2]

Jaakko dropped off
some ostrich cuts and I
had these casings that
needed to be used.

What's HE doing
out of the house?

[Panel 3]
Getting outdoor exercise. All over
London. The roads are still mostly
empty, except around school times.

And where did he
get ostrich anyway?

That is one of those questions
I have learned not to ask.

[Panel 4]
Not that I saw him. But he left a
cool-bag full of meat and a note.

Probably ran into it
while cycling furiously,
and decided not to
let it go to waste.

Well, he does know a good butcher…

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