Archive 20220724

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[Panel 1]
Oh, hi Mandi, seen Bell about?

She's hiding in the cellar.

What? Have we had air raid
warnings or something?

[Panel 2]
No, she went in on Monday
when the Hot started and she
doesn't believe me when I tell
her it's down below 30 now…

You just want me to come
out and catch fire so that
you can inherit the pub!

[Panel 3]
I'm pretty sure this isn't
in the instruction book.


Oi! I'm about to
drink the last
of the mild!

Can't fool me, I
know there's a
barrel down here.

Oh, really?

[Panel 4]
[style rect]

Oh, hi Mandi,
seen Bell about?

Don't. Start.

For tonight we'll merry merry be,
Tomorrow we'll be sober!

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